
Sunday, May 4, 2014

#MMMay14: Day 4

Today was such a relax day for me...aahhh :). I did some cleaning and picking up, finished a book, caught up with my mom on the phone, and then finished up a small sewing project. I had the apartment all to myself and I soaked up the quiet like the introvert that I am. It.Was.Great!

Here's my me-made outfit, typical of what I wear when I'm staying at home all day:
Black and white all over with a small pop of color!

This black and white striped top is a thrifted Old Navy XXL t-shirt that I resized by laying one of my favorite tees overtop that I'd previously resized and fit me perfectly. By marking out the shape, sewing up the sides and cutting off the excess I'm left with something closer to a size small. The leggings are from my recent workout gear refashions found here.

I had another 'me' moment Friday night when my son went to Pajama Club at his preschool (aka, 3 hours of freedom for mama!). V (my husband) was working late, so I went for a run, showered without interruption...SMALL MIRACLE!!!...and then spent the rest of my evening reading and giving myself a pedicure. I'll call that an early Mother's Day gift ;). My pop of color in today's outfit is the result of that peaceful night.
My toes match the charger cable ;) Hello Mr. Unicorn!
Now, for the rest of the day, I get to make dinner and have a popcorn and family movie night before starting another week! Hope you had a great weekend and got more sewing done than I did ;).



  1. Let's hear it for peace and quiet for introverts! I hear you :) That is the perfect outfit to enjoy it.
